Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Sleepy bring disaster

One of the tips on motorcycles who are not responsible for driving when the body was not fit, including in a sleepy condition. Then, what if drowsiness flog?
Some of these steps below may be taken. First, taking a break of about 15 minutes. Use the break to relax muscles, including the sense of stiffness in the neck.
Second, wash your face to appear fresh taste. More advisable to use cold water. Third, eat or chew gum. Activity in the facial muscles can reduce drowsiness.
Some colleagues even suggested something to listen to music via earphones. Certainly not the music lilting melody, lest even more sleepy. However, for this one, I'm not so comfortable to remember can be focused on motorcycles to be a bit annoyed because the music can also make additional drowsiness.
Excessive drowsiness making motorcycles concentration becomes disrupted. Because of that, absolutely every bikers avoid excessive drowsiness. For your information, is now driving business concentration is governed by Law No. 22 of 2009 on Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jlan(LLAJ). Just look at Article 106 paragraph (1) which states that every person driving a motor vehicle on the road must drive a vehicle with a fair and full concentration.
In explanation of the article has elaborated that what is meant by "concentration" means any person who was driving the vehicle with care and attention is not disrupted because of illness, fatigue,
drowsy, use the phone or watching television or videos posted on the vehicle, or drink beverages containing alcohol or drugs that affect driving ability.

Benefits of Solar Energy for life

If we travel during the day was the dry season so that more and more hot weather lunch. This is because the sun is at the closest distance to Earth. In the afternoon as the sun began to set, the light gradually disappear until nightfall
Survival, living organisms on earth depends on solar energy energy matahari.tanpa all life forms (humans, animals and plants) will be destroyed.
The sky became dark because the only source of light is sunlight. The earth will become cold quickly everything becomes frozen surface of the earth. There was no change in the weather. Without a change in the weather no rain. Most areas of the earth will experience drought.
With the sun, living things on earth can get food from plants. Chemical energy contained in plants from the photosynthesis process that involves the process of solar energy, carbon dioxide, and water.
Directly human indirect use of the sun as a source of new energy. Sun directly used to dry clothes, dry food, salt-making process and others.
Indirect solar energy used to power air.daur rainy weather caused a decline in the yield and water rivers flow and move the turbine power generation stations. Coal and oil is one of the minerals that can be used as a new energy. Material from the mine's stored solar energy from the remnants of plants that once lived and were buried along with the rocks centuries ago.

Earthquake Awareness Appeal:

1. Do not panic.
2. Stay calm do not run-running.
3. Take cover under a table or in bed.
4. Avoid sheltering dekatbarang yangmudah fall.
5. Exit the building still had a chance if dlakukan.
6. Do not use elevators.
7. If there is an evacuation, follow these officers.
8. If the buildings are outside the building looking for a place away from high buildings, walls, electricity networks and watch where you stand to avoid cracks in case of land.

how to resign professionally


In the case of resignation from the workplace is not an easy thing to do.The resignation is not an easily digestible for all Indonesia orang.apalagi atmosphere in which everything connected with manners. Speech and behavior assessed and must be kept in such a way so as not to cause defect. Then how do I resign the right job?

1 . Ask at least 2 weeks or a month earlier. Would be easier for the company if they know early so they can prepare your penggati. No professional if you leave it just works with no more responsibility.

2 . Being honest about the reasons why resing.tak need to cover up the real and absurd reasons. But, also keep your good name in your old company.

3 . Conduct face-to-face resignation letter will not mean anything compared to your presence and petition directly goodbye.

4 . A big thank you sincerely. After all you've got a lot of experience your place of work and for that you should thank your boss.

Senin, 04 Januari 2010


Macroeconomics The study of large scale economic factors affecting an economy as a whole.

Makroekonomi Studi tentang faktor-faktor ekonomi skala besar yang mempengaruhi perekonomian secara keseluruhan.

Mail Entry A means of shipping and entering goods into a Customs Territory through the postal system.

Mail Entry Sebuah sarana pengiriman dan memasukkan barang ke dalam Wilayah Pabean melalui sistem pos.

Mala Fides In bad faith. (A seller's representation that goods are usable for a particular purpose when in fact the seller knows that the goods are not.)

Mala Fides Dalam itikad buruk. (Perwakilan Seorang penjual barang-barang yang dapat digunakan untuk tujuan tertentu padahal sebenarnya penjual tahu bahwa barang-barang yang tidak.)

Manifest 1. A document listing and describing the cargo contents of a carrier, container or warehouse.

2. Evident to the senses, especially to the sight, obvious to the understanding, evident to the mind, open, clear, visible, unmistakable, indubitable, indisputable, self-evident.

Manifest 1. Sebuah dokumen daftar dan menggambarkan isi kargo pembawa, wadah atau gudang.

2. Jelas bagi indra, terutama untuk melihat, jelas bagi pemahaman, jelas bagi pikiran, terbuka, jelas, terlihat, salah lagi, sudah pasti, tidak bisa dibantah, jelas.

Manufacturer's Identification Number (MID) (USA) An identification number used by U. S. Customs in its electronic data processing system for each manufacturer whose goods are shipped to the United States.

Produsen's Identification Number (MID) (Amerika Serikat) Sebuah nomor identifikasi yang digunakan oleh Bea Cukai AS dalam sistem pengolahan data elektronik untuk setiap produsen barang-barang yang dikirim ke Amerika Serikat.

Maquiladora A Mexican factory, usually located in a zone close to the US border, which has special privileges from the Mexican government to produce goods for the US market. Much of the work performed in these factories is the assembly of imported components.

Maquiladora Sebuah Meksiko pabrik, biasanya terletak di zona dekat perbatasan Amerika Serikat, yang memiliki hak-hak istimewa dari pemerintah Meksiko untuk menghasilkan barang untuk pasar AS. Banyak dari pekerjaan yang dilakukan di pabrik-pabrik ini adalah perakitan komponen impor.

Margin 1. In commercial terms the difference between the cost of goods sold and the total net sales price.

2. The purchase of a stock or a commodity with payment of only part of the purchase price in cash (called the margin) and the balance by loan (usually made by the broker.)

Margin 1. Istilah komersial perbedaan antara biaya pokok penjualan dan total penjualan bersih harga.

2. Pembelian saham atau komoditas dengan pembayaran hanya sebagian dari harga pembelian tunai (disebut margin) dan keseimbangan dengan pinjaman (biasanya dilakukan oleh broker.)

Marginal Cost The increase in the total costs of a producer of producing one more unit of output, or the decrease in producing one less unit of output.

Biaya Marginal Kenaikan biaya total produsen untuk memproduksi satu unit output, atau penurunan dalam memproduksi satu unit output kurang.

Maritime Business pertaining to commerce or navigation by sea.

Bisnis maritim yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan atau navigasi melalui laut.

Market Access The openness of a national market to foreign products and services.

Akses pasar Terbukanya pasar nasional untuk produk dan jasa asing.

Market Disruption A situation where a surge of imports of a certain product causes a sharp decline in the domestic sales of that product and creates a hardship for domestic producers.

Pasar Gangguan Situasi di mana gelombang impor produk tertentu menyebabkan penurunan tajam dalam penjualan domestik dan produk yang menciptakan kesulitan bagi produsen dalam negeri.

Market Economy An economic system where resources are allocated and production of goods determined by market forces rather than by government decree.

Pasar Ekonomi Sebuah sistem ekonomi di mana sumber daya dialokasikan dan produksi barang ditentukan oleh kekuatan pasar, bukan oleh keputusan pemerintah.

Market Price The price established in the market where buyers and sellers compete with each other to negotiate the best prices and terms.

Harga Pasar Harga didirikan di pasar di mana pembeli dan penjual bersaing dengan satu sama lain untuk menegosiasikan harga terbaik dan istilah.

Marking: Country of Origin The physical markings on a product that indicate the country of origin where the article was produced. (With very few exceptions, the U.S. requires every imported article to be so marked.)

Menandai: Negara Asal tanda-tanda fisik pada produk yang menunjukkan negara asal dimana artikel itu dihasilkan. (Dengan sangat sedikit pengecualian, AS mewajibkan setiap impor artikel yang akan sangat ditandai.)

Marks Identification placed on the outer surface of shipping containers or packages. At one time it consisted of pictures, letters and numbers. With the advent of computers, pictures are no longer used. Instructions on the packages for their proper handling, such as "This side up" may also be considered part of the marks. Also the weight and measurements of the packages.

Identifikasi tanda ditempatkan pada permukaan luar pengiriman kontainer atau kemasan. Pada suatu waktu itu terdiri dari gambar, huruf dan angka. Dengan munculnya komputer, gambar tidak lagi digunakan. Petunjuk pada paket-paket untuk penanganan yang tepat, seperti "ini menghadap ke atas" mungkin juga akan dianggap sebagai bagian dari tanda-tanda. Juga berat badan dan pengukuran paket.

Matador Bond Bond issued on the Spanish market by an obligor who is not domiciled in Spain.

Matador Bond Obligasi yang diterbitkan di pasar Spanyol oleh obligor yang tidak berkedudukan di Spanyol.

Mate's Receipt A declaration issued by an officer of a vessel stating that certain goods have been received on board his vessel.

Mate's Receipt Suatu pernyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh seorang perwira kapal yang menyatakan bahwa barang-barang tertentu telah diterima di kapal nya kapal.

Material Contract Terms Terms in a purchase/sale contract that are considered essential; they describe the goods, fix the price, fix the quantity, and set the delivery date.

Syarat-Syarat Kontrak materi dalam pembelian / penjualan kontrak yang dianggap penting; mereka menggambarkan barang, menetapkan harga, memperbaiki kuantitas, dan mengatur tanggal pengiriman.